HHAG Membership

Membership of the HHAG is open to those responsible for the management of historic house archives which are owned, funded and administered privately.

HHAG members are able to access many useful and interesting resources from the website, including:

  • Past recorded training sessions
  • Case studies from different historic houses on key issues faced within the sector, for example GDPR implementation, land ownership research and digital records management
  • Past AGM papers
  • Interviews with people working with archives, including researchers, archivists, curators and project managers
  • Conference and seminar papers, study day presentations
  • A forum to exchange professional ideas and knowledge

As well as three training sessions per year and two in person meetings.

Membership fees are £10 per annum. Annual membership runs from 1st July to 30th June.

To enquire about membership please contact Derek Maddock, Membership Secretary: hhagcommittee@outlook.com

If you are ready to become a member please apply below. New memberships are subject to committee approval, fees are due on acceptance and are payable by BACs. Where essential, HHAG are able to accept payment by cheque. Please select your payment method when signing up.

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