Bringing Maps to Life: An Article from Chatsworth
17th September 2024
In our most recent training session “Providing support to the estate and business” we had a very interesting discussion on the use of maps and GIS (Geographical Information Systems). Chatsworth have been embarking on a digital mapping project using maps from the archive and GIS. Read more in their article here. https://www.chatsworth.org/news-media/news-blogs-press-releases/digital-mapping-project/
New member book: From Somerset to Portman Square, the Portman Family and their Estates By Richard Bowden and Tom Mayberry.
16th January 2023
Image: Aerial view of Bryanston House, c.1980. Photo copyright Sue Sieger The Portman family were one of the most influential families in Somerset and Dorset from the 16th to the 20th centuries, and their estates made them among the largest landowners. The book is 192 pages long, with well over 100 illustrations, a detailed family tree and plans showing…